Learning a new technique
I found some tunisian crochet hooks on sale in Phildar, so bought a couple to learn the technique. A tunsian crochet hook looks like a normal crochet hook but with a much larger handle, similar in length to a knitting needle. I had a look on YoutTube for some tutorials as I wasn't sure where to start I thought this could be simpler than following a pattern. In fact I still don't know what the symbols in a tunisian crochet pattern look like so even if I saw a set of instructions I wouldn't really know what to do.
I found the technique quite slow, although I know that others find it quite a quickly buildable technique. Perhaps because I'm a beginner I haven't got the rhythm right, but the technique itself definitely has a different rhythm overall to standard crochet. I wont go into detail on the 'how to' but I do want to discuss the back and forth nature of the stitch.
With this particular tunisian crochet stitch (I do not know the name but it does slightly resemble knit stitch) to complete one complete row you require one line of stitch right to left then back left to right. It's a stitch that only requires you to work on the right side so it felt very different to my experiences with knit and crochet. I actually really enjoyed the stitch, going back and forth felt a bit mechanically accurate, and reminded me of a small knit machine.
As I am still learning the technique I felt more mindful concentrating on accuracy and perfecting the stitch, rather than injecting too many instinctual spontaneity. I did however take advantage of the nature of the rows' layers and experimented with colour. Going right to left with one colour and back with another left a pattern that looked like an embroidered whip stitch.
Blocking is an important step in tunisian crochet !
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